Playing Catch-Up

We’ve had a busy few weeks here at Paddler’s Creek. We’re anxiously awaiting warmer weather. Spring is slow to arrive this year and we are so ready for it! Next week we have our hopes up for 60 degree weather and plenty of outdoor work. I’ve been dreaming and planning since January about all our outdoor projects I’m hoping to tackle this spring. Last Spring/Summer I was definitely set back due to the virus and how it hit our household so severely. I was dragging all summer and had very little motivation…this spring I’m ready for it! Here are a few rambling thoughts and events I’ve been churning in my head the last few weeks…

We spent most of March preparing to say goodbye to my husband’s father. My Father-in-love had suffered for a few years from throat cancer. At one point he lived with us along with my mother-in-love so he could receive radiation treatment. Our hearts are breaking earthside, but we are rejoicing also as he was so ready to meet his Savior. We spent some time grieving and we stepped away from the homestead for a few days and took the kids to our favorite little getaway, Grandview Lodge, in Nisswa, MN. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a fun place with lots of free activities in a very peaceful setting. All eight of us were able to go on the trip and it was such a memorable mini vacation. I’m so thankful we could do this and so thankful for my sister in taking care of animals on the Homefront for us!

Milk cows…I want one. I’ve been contemplating a family milk cow for over a year now and I know I just need to jump right in and get one or I'll never get over wanting one. I’ve had a lot of discouraging opinions that make me hesitant! If you have a family milk cow…message me! I’d love to learn all I can and gather as much knowledge before I commit myself. My biggest concern is the mini vacations we take…we seriously maaaaaaybe sneak away once or twice a year. And I have plenty of family that I think would help me out, but that is the biggest concern I have.

I’ve slowly been adding products back to the virtual shop. This week I stocked up on a few of my essential oil roller blends. Sometimes it gets discouraging… the little side biz was doing super well but then I took such a long hiatus I feel concerned people lost hope in me! I feel a little defeated, but not enough to throw in the towel.

I’ve been busy homeschooling the munchkins. They are busy, busy. My neighbor commented on how much energy she sees over here in our yard. It was actually encouraging to hear because sometimes I’m wondering if it’s me that’s lacking the ambition to keep up or if I have extra energetic children. I think it’s the latter….however, I’ve been taking Mary Ruth’s B12 spray to help in the area of energy and I’m seeing good results!

I’m super “egg cited” about one product I’m offering in the shop. My egg hatching kits are going over well. I will be dropping off three kits on Monday to our local public school for a few different classrooms to hatch their own baby chicks. I’m dragging my feet incubating any chicks this year for myself — last summer I had a hen go broody and successfully hatch a few chicks and it was so nice letting her do all the work as she raised her own little brood!

Today is laundry day…so I’m off to tackle the mounds of clothes in hopes to check it off the list before warmer days are here.

Thanks for stopping by,

Trisha @ Paddler’s Creek Homestead


Christmas 2022


What’s in the Name